Wendy Rogers Infuriates Libs By Proposing Historical Monument Protection Plans After Litany of Other Bills

Trump Republican and Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has introduced yet another bill into the Arizona State Legislature. This time, the proposed bill protects monuments from being destroyed by vandals or local governments wanting to tear them down. Below is her tweet. 

“I am proud to support our history and heritage by proposing a bill that protects our historical monuments from being destroyed by vandals and lawless local governments. Please call your state reps and senators and ask them to support SB1639.”

In Rogers’s own words she describes the bill saying it, “Protects our historical monuments from being destroyed by vandals and lawless local governments.” She also mentions her support for our heritage and history which is something that seems to be lacking in the Republican party. 

Continue Reading: https://mediarightnews.com/wendy-rogers-infuriates-libs-by-proposing-historical-monument-protection-plans-after-litany-of-other-bills/

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