Wendy Rogers Updates on Arizona Audit

Contains Opinion of the Writer

Wendy Rogers calls the 2020 election the real insurrection. I and many others agree. However, she has been one Conservative that has not backed down in the audits. 

David and Stacy Whited with Flyover Conservatives interview Wendy Rogers. Inside the interview, she discusses her fight for election integrity in Arizona. The discussion is worth watching as we learn the facts Rogers has gathered for us.

Wendy Rogers says she will not back down. Many Conservatives believe we cannot move on as a country until the 2020 Presidential election is made right.We have to move forward as we continue to fight for the integrity of the election because without integrity, we will never have another fair and free election again in this country. 

Please, contact your representatives today and remind them we have not forgotten the stolen 2020 Presidential election. We still want it to be reviewed and our rightful President, Donald Trump placed into office. MAGA will never forget.

Continue Reading: https://trumpdispatch.com/2022/07/21/wendy-rogers-updates-on-arizona-audit/

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