Wendy Rogers

Senator Rogers explains the criticality of logic and accuracy testing of the machines. We must restore faith in the voters.

Sen. Rogers speaks in support of SB 1288, which eliminates electronic “vote adjudication” by the Secretary of State’s election administrators and puts it in the hands of an independent board. The bill also creates additional safeguards for verification and testing of equipment. Watch now:

Senator Rogers explains the criticality of logic and accuracy testing of the machines. We must restore faith in the voters. Read More

Sen. Rogers Revives Push To Allow Concealed Firearms On College Campuses

Flagstaff Sen. Wendy Rogers is pushing a bill that would allow anyone with a concealed carry weapon permit to bring guns onto college campuses. State law currently prohibits firearms on school grounds. Senate Bill 1198 would bar the governing board of a university, college or community college from enacting rules that prohibit the possession of

Sen. Rogers Revives Push To Allow Concealed Firearms On College Campuses Read More

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