AZ Senate Liaison Blames Obstruction From Maricopa County Supervisors and Recorder For Election Audit Results Delay

Ken Bennett, Arizona’s Senate’s liaison for the Maricopa County election audit, blamed obstruction from the county’s Supervisors and Recorder for the delay in results from the audit.

A tweet earlier from the official account of the Senate liaison for the audit declared “The main reason the forensic audit is taking 2.5 months is because Maricopa County Supervisors and Recorder have obstructed the audit and refused to cooperate.”

Arizona Republican State Senator Wendy Rogers quote tweeted the statement and added, “Boom. Be mad at them, not the ones trying to get it done.”

OAN reported yesterday that Arizona election audit spokesman Randy Pullen said the state senate will subpoena the routers and passwords that are still being withheld by election officials. 

Pullen announced the state’s plans to issue the subpoena on Wednesday and noted it has been difficult to complete the audit without information on the routers and passwords.

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