Watch the Racine County Sheriff’s Office give a presentation updating the public on its investigation into absentee ballots fraudulently filled out and sent in for nursing home residents.
In this scheme, nursing home staff fraudulently voted absentee for residents who had dementia, were blind, and had other ailments preventing them from indicating a voting preference.
Election Integrity: Protecting Vulnerable Voters
Racine County Sheriff’s Office
Judy Investigated Her Mother’s Voting History
- Judy went on MyVote Wisconsin ( and discovered her mother, Shirley, voted absentee for the November 3, 2020, election
- Shirley died on October 9, 2020 – Before the election
- According to My Vote Wisconsin, prior to being admitted to the Ridgewood Care Facility, Shirley last voted in 2016
Judy Contacts Ridgewood Care Center
- Executive Director stated that the WEC gave facility staff the authority to help residents fill out their ballots
- Judy asked how Shirley could have voted without any knowledge of current events or the news
- The Executive Director stated the staff would ask the residents who they voted for in the past and following party lines that would be their choice
- Judy asked, “So if she could only recall JFK as President, Democrat would be their choice?”
- The Executive Director answered “Yes”
- Judy asked about Shirley’s broken glasses and impaired vision – how can we know the staff member assisting filled in the ballot correctly
- The Executive Director stated he “hoped” the staff would be honest
Original Complaint to the Wisconsin Election Commission (November 24th, 2020)
- Judy filed a sworn affidavit with the Wisconsin Election Commission stating that she believed the Ridgewood Care Facility “took advantage” of her mother’s “diminished mental capacity and filled out ballot(s) in her name.”
- Shirley, Judy’s Mother
- Broken glasses – no interest in reading or keeping up on current events
- Difficulty recognizing her daughter
- Could not remember her last meal
- Would not know what day it is
- Saw flying objects outside of her room that were not there
Mount Pleasant Village Hall
- They received letters from the Wisconsin Election Commission (“WEC”) dated March 12, 2020, June 24, 2020, and September 25, 2020, stating that “Municipalities shall not use the Special Voting Deputy process” and should instead mail the absentee ballots
- No notice was posted at any of the facilities because of COVID-19
- 42 Ridgewood residents voted
- 38 Ridgewood residents made a fresh request for an absentee ballot during 2020
- The Voting Clerk stated during a Presidential or non-Presidential election, usually approximately 10 people will vote and 0 to 3 people will make a fresh request for an absentee ballot from the Ridgewood Care Center
- RASO received copies of the Request for Absentee Ballots and the Ballot Envelopes
Review Of Documents
Application for Absentee Ballots
- Pre-filled out by facility staff
- The Certification of being “indefinitely confined” pre-checked by staff
OR - The Certification of being “indefinitely confined” post-checked by the municipal clerk
Voter Envelopes
- Certification of Witness – Facility staff
WEC Letters to Municipal Clerks
- Coordinate with the dates of the open meetings by the WEC
- Open meetings can be viewed on WisEye
Wisconsin Statute 6.84
LEGISLATIVE POLICY. The legislature finds that voting is a constitutional right, the vigorous exercise of which should be strongly encouraged. In contrast, voting by absentee ballot is a privilege exercised wholly outside the traditional safeguards of the polling place. The legislature finds that the privilege of voting by absentee ballot must be carefully regulated to prevent the potential for fraud or abuse; to prevent overzealous solicitation of absent electors who may prefer not to participate in an election; to prevent undue influence on an absent elector to vote for or against a candidate or to cast a particular vote in a referendum; or other similar abuses.
Wisconsin Statute 6.875
Absentee Voting in Facilities
- This statute is the “exclusive means” of absentee voting in residential care facilities
- Shall dispatch two Special Voting Deputies (“SVDs”) to the facility
- The SVDs shall personally deliver the ballot
- NO employee (or past employee of the last two years) may be an SVD
- Notice of the SVDs visit shall be posted at the facility
- The SVDs shall witness the vote and may assist in marking the ballot
- The SVDs shall NOT accept an absentee ballot not issued by an SVD
- No individual other the a SVD or relative may assist the voter
- The SVDs shall seal the ballot envelope and deliver it to the clerk
§ 6.875(6)(e) – “If a qualified elector is not able to cast his or her ballot on 2 separate visits by the deputies to the home or facility, the deputies shall so inform the municipal clerk . . . Who may then send the ballot to the elector . . .”
The WEC falsely reasoned that since the Special Voting Deputies could not be allowed into any facilities, the Special Voting Deputies “program” could be “suspended”, and the municipalities could go directly to the mailing process. The WEC also improperly/illegally advised the facilities to have staff members assist the residents in voting.
United States Constitution
Article II, Section 1, paragraph 2 – The state legislature is to determine the “Manner” in which the President is elected
Article I, Section 4, paragraph 1 – It is up to the state legislature to determine “the Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives”
Ridgewood Care Facility – December 18, 2020
- The Executive Director stated he “hoped” his staff was “honest” while marking the voting ballot for the residents
- The Director of Recreational Therapy stated that if a resident could only point to the ballot, her staff would fill in the appropriate dot
- The Director of Recreational Therapy was “confident” Shirley wanted to vote, but then admitted she did not have contact with Shirley – her staff would have contact with the residents
- The Activities Aid stated if the resident did not want to vote, she would come back later
- The Activities Aid stated she would leave the news channel on for a few days and then come back and see if the resident wanted to vote (List of preferred channels or NBC)
- The Activities Aid stated she would keep the ballots in her desk drawer when she was waiting for the residents to decide to vote
- The procedure implemented by the facility did not comply with the instructions on the ballot envelope
- The Director of Recreational Therapy and the Activities Aids agreed that:
- If the resident did or did not vote, the Activities Aid would place the ballot in the envelope (unsealed) and give it to the Director of Recreational Therapy
- The Director of Recreational Therapy would seal the ballot envelope and mail it to the municipal clerk
Other Concerned Families
DF was adamant that her mother, OF, would not have requested an absentee ballot. She was unable to remember what she ate for breakfast that day. DF stated, “It is so hard to get her to sign something, even things that I need, you know, to conduct business, it is very hard to get her to sign anything. So, she would not have requested a ballot and then sat there and signed it, no. I just don’t believe that.” According to My Vote Wisconsin (Since 2012), there is no record of OF voting in any other election.
RP stated that her father, NG, had difficulty recognizing his own grandchildren. He would not know that Trump was the president nor who was elected the new president, and he would not know what the candidates stood for on the issues. RP stated NG only asked about “Doritos” and “Snickers”. According to My Vote Wisconsin (Since 2012), there is no record of NG voting in any other election. When asked if NG would have the mental ability to express his desire for an absentee ballot and exercise his right to vote, RP responded, “No! No, I’m sorry, no!”. According to My Vote Wisconsin (Since 2012), there is no record of RP voting in any other election.
LM stated her mother, RL, is confused, not sure where she is, does not recognize her own children, and is not right in her own mind. LM stated RL would not have known who the candidates were, and someone had to have taken advantage of her. According to MyVoteWisconsin (since 2012), there is no record of RL voting in any other election.
RS stated his mother, FP, is 102-years-old and is experiencing dementia. RS stated that FP is starting to forget to eat; that she cannot recognize her own children; that she is starting to forget to eat; and that she only remembers the past. According to MyVote Wisconsin (since 2012), FP voted in this election and an election in 2012.
TM stated his father, MR, did not have the desire to vote absentee. TM stated MR informed her and her mother that if he cannot vote in person, he did not want to vote. According to MyVote Wisconsin (since 2012), there is no record of MR voting in any other election.
RS stated his mother, FP, is 102-years-old and is experiencing dementia. RS stated that FP is starting to forget to eat; that she cannot recognize her own children; that she is starting to forget to eat; and that she only remembers the past. According to MyVote Wisconsin (since 2012), FP voted in this election and an election in 2012.
RM is the legal guardian for SL, and RM stated that SL has been determined to be incompetent by a probate court. RM stated she believed SL’s right to vote had been taken away. RM stated SL is unable to make any decisions for herself and she has no ability to know what is going on. RM stated SL would not know how to request an absentee ballot. RM stated SL is not allowed to sign any legal documents because she is so impaired. RM stated SL would have no inclination to vote and she would have no idea what she was doing. AS stated, her mother, SL, was suffering from dementia and she did not have the sound mind necessary to request an absentee ballot and to exercise her right to vote. According to MyVote Wisconsin (since 2012), SL voted in this election and an election in 2012