Dems File Lawsuit Against Arizona Vote Audit that Starts Friday After Reports of Gmail Booting People Connected

The Arizona Republican Party has announced that the forensic audit of the Maricopa County 2020 election results will begin Friday after a long-awaited hand count. The Arizona GOP announced the news on Twitter.

“The long-awaited hand count and forensic audit of the election in Maricopa County starts Friday. Process will be live-streamed nationally @OANN observers will be non-partisan for full transparency. Glad to support @AZSenateGOP in their efforts.”

It seems State Senator Wendy Rogers (R-AZ) and the Arizona Senate will be conducting the audit with Rogers vocally advocating for a forensic audit of the Maricopa County vote. Following this, the Arizona Democratic Party has filed a lawsuit in an attempt to stop the forensic audit of the Maricopa Country vote. 

“The Arizona Democratic Party files a lawsuit to halt the state Senate audit of 2020 election results in Maricopa County.”

Some may find it concerning that the Arizona Democratic Party is trying everything it can to stop a transparent audit from taking place as they claim there is nothing to hide when it comes to potential voter fraud.

State Senator Rogers (R-AZ) cited a report on Twitter claiming that “Google kicked the Arizona audit team off of Gmail. What a sham of a company.”

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