Letter: Candidates’ Prayer Circle Appreciated

Behind the scenes candidate information: I was texted by my dear friend Senator Wendy Rogers to meet her outside of a candidate event in Gold Canyon. Upon arrival, speaker Kari Lake broke out into a group prayer. I was incredibly impressed as this was something that Senator Rogers does as well. The cameramen were not rolling. They respectfully stood around us with their heads down. Inside, the crowd and the noise was amazing! Folks were chanting, “Kari, Kari, Kari!”

While on stage, Kari Lake asked Senator Rogers to come up to join her and the audience went positively wild with the impromptu request. After the event, Lake and Rogers were swamped with reporters. Regardless of their celebrity status, I have witnessed them both many times in their real life scenarios and they are both truly the real deal. I look forward to the next prayer circle!

Heather Leigh Wallace
Queen Valley

Originally published by the White Mountain Independent: https://www.wmicentral.com/letters/article_d9436fb9-1c80-5733-9a52-db4fd21200ee.html

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