Mr. Gray and Senators,
The Sperry family is totally opposed to anyone who subverts the Constitution just to appease those who have been offended with the truth of our times. How about we who have been offended with the deeds of those you consorted with to get this censure passed? You, sir, as the leader of the pack and all the other senators who fell for your sorry line and voted to censure Senator Wendy Rogers need to take a serious class on the Original Intent of the Constitution for you have done a great disservice to the people of Arizona.
Up until Senator Rogers came on the scene, there was NO voice for us and it appears that with these actions you have made it pretty clear that we still don’t have but ONE voice and that is the voice of Senator Rogers. May she never yield to your class of warfare.
We ask that you don’t take the oath to defend the Constitution of the United States if haven’t got the courage to support it or to stand and fight for the last bastion of freedom as Senator Wendy Rogers.
Many thanks to you for elevating Senator Rogers to First Patriot of the State of Arizona. Where does that leave the rest of you?
Rose & Richard Sperry
Cottonwood Precinct Committeemen