Letter: Senator Rogers did Nothing Wrong

Let’s recap the last few weeks shall we.

While some of the senators and representatives were fighting for voter integrity laws, and to get the stolen 2020 election decertified, many of them were working behind the scenes to throw these efforts under the bus!

Two weeks ago, instead of calling a special session to decertify the 2020 election, they decided to censure Senator Rogers for defending free speech. I guess all forgot their oaths to defend the constitution. I guess they do not remember that the First Amendment protects free speech.

Senator Rogers did nothing wrong.

Arrogant people will not take time out to find out the truth. Let’s look at why President Karen Fann brought this action upon the senate. Rogers voted against a bill that Fann introduced to keep the voting machines. This is one main item many (every) Republican voter doesn’t want. No voting machines.

Because of Rogers’ action, Fann decided to punish her with lunacy charges and stupidly the senate went along with it except a few brave senators who saw through this petty action. Now as well, Fann with Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers implanted a way to eliminate precinct committeemen.

They misrepresented it completely to the representatives and said it was an emergency. These are obvious lies. And now it seems they won’t be able to reverse this traitorous deed in time for the August 2 Primary. Most Precinct Committeemen have been asking who put that into the bill.

All we’ve been hearing is crickets. We want names even though we have a pretty good idea who did this. Now they’re trying to get county Precinct Committeemen to turn against Rogers. This will not work.

Steve Slaton,
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Originally published by the the White Mountain Independent: https://www.wmicentral.com/opinion/letters_to_editor/wendy-rogers/article_3fb59db4-8fec-58b0-ac12-03ab2bc4b29e.html

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