Campaign News

Fox10 Covers Senator Wendy Rogers’ Bill to Track Healthcare Spending on Non-Citizens 

Arizona taxpayers deserve to know how their hard-earned dollars are being spent. That’s why Senator Wendy Rogers is leading the charge with a bill to require that hospitals which receive state funds ask patients about their citizenship status: “We need to account for the dollars that are flowing out the door.” Watch now:

Fox10 Covers Senator Wendy Rogers’ Bill to Track Healthcare Spending on Non-Citizens  Read More

‘America must come first’: Sen. Wendy Rogers wants hospitals to ask about citizenship

A Republican Arizona legislator wants hospitals to start asking patients whether they are U.S. citizens, a move that critics say could stoke fear among immigrants and damage public health. Sen. Wendy Rogers, R-Flagstaff, is the sponsor of Senate Bill 1268, which would require Arizona hospitals that accept Medicaid payments to ask patients whether they are

‘America must come first’: Sen. Wendy Rogers wants hospitals to ask about citizenship Read More

Senator Wendy Rogers Backs Campus Carry Bill SB 1020

Senator Wendy Rogers spoke in support of SB 1020, a bill that would allow concealed carry permit holders aged 21 and older to carry firearms on Arizona’s college campuses. Rogers emphasized growing public support for the measure and cited recent tragedies—such as the murder of Laken Reilly in Georgia—as evidence of the need for increased self-defense options for

Senator Wendy Rogers Backs Campus Carry Bill SB 1020 Read More

Arizona Republicans want chaplains to be in public schools

Republican politicians who accuse public school teachers of indoctrinating students with a “woke agenda” are pushing to bring religious chaplains into the same schools to provide counseling to students.  “I think Jesus is a lot better than a psychologist,” Rep. David Marshall, R-Snowflake, said during a March 11 meeting of the Arizona House of Representatives’

Arizona Republicans want chaplains to be in public schools Read More

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