Last night, anti-life radicals converged on the Arizona Senate and attempted to disrupt our work with terror and violence. They repeatedly attempted to breach the perimeter and enter the building but law enforcement bravely stood their ground and saved the day. Below is a summary of the events, along with on-the-scene video footage of the insurrection.
Wendy Rogers Live Updates
Statement by the Arizona Senate
PHOENIX, ARIZONA— Violent pro-abortion protestors attempts of an insurrection at the Arizona State Senate were thwarted Friday night, thanks to the swift action from local and state law enforcement.
While Arizona State Senate members were wrapping up passing important legislation for the session, extremist demonstrators made their way to the entrance of the Senate building and began forcibly trying to make entry by breaking windows and pushing down doors.
Law enforcement monitoring this situation called for backup and were able to disperse the crowd with tear gas before entry was made. As this terrifying situation unfolded, Senate President Karen Fann called a recess so that Senators, staff and the public in attendance could evacuate to a secure location. Once the premises were secured, those inside the building were able to return to the Senate chambers. Unfortunately, the system that circulates the air through the facility pulled some of the smoke or tear gas into the Senate chambers, making the air quality unhealthy for anyone to return.
In response, Senate proceedings were moved to another room of the building so that Senators could continue carrying out the people’s work.
“We are incredibly thankful for our local law enforcement who quickly intervened during what could have been a destructive and dangerous situation for our members, staff and public inside the Senate,” said Senate President Karen Fann. “Violence is never the answer, and we will not camouflage what was a blatant attempt at an insurrection as a ‘rally’ or ‘peaceful protest.’ We are calling on all state lawmakers to condemn these acts. There is a way to make your voice heard and violence is never the answer.”
Video Footage
Breach Attempt
Inside Video
Chaos Outside
Riot Control #1
Riot Control #2
Live Coverage
News Coverage

(The Liberty Daily) Insurrection: Anti-Life Domestic Terrorists Surround Arizona Capital With State Legislators Trapped Inside
“A large group of pro-abortion domestic terrorists surrounded the Arizona state capital, trapping legislators and staff. Reports indicate the crowd was beating on windows and doors attempting to breach the building.”

(The Gateway Pundit) Violent Planned Parenthood Mob Attacks Arizona Senate Building
“The violent mob on Friday against this decision was organized by Planned Parenthood Action Arizona and Radical Women Phoenix. Planned Parenthood tweeted a graphic encouraging activists to “get in good trouble” before the demonstration started.”

(Townhall) Lawmakers Held Hostage In Arizona Capitol
“Police enforcement was forced to use tear gas to disperse the angry crowd following the Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade. ‘Protesters threatened to break the AZ Senate entryway glass,’ State Senator Wendy Rogers (R-AZ) said in a tweet.”