Arizona State Senator-elect Wendy Rogers Demands Legislative Hearing to Follow Up Audit: ‘Let’s Go!’

Republican Arizona State Senator-Elect Wendy Rogers demands a legislative hearing to follow up an audit as we previously reported. We reported that she called for an audit in Maricopa County as it seems to be a keystone area in the narrow State of Arizona where Biden leads by less than 11,000 votes and the legal battle continues. 

The Arizona GOP seems to be taking steps to fight for the president except for ‘RINO’ Governor Doug Ducey who has done little to nothing to assist President Trump’s efforts to uncover what he believes to be potential voter fraud in Arizona. Some are waking up to the fact that the GOP establishment appears to want President Trump gone anyway, sadly. 

State Senator-elect Wendy Rogers (R-AZ) Tweeted out today “I want a real hearing from our legislature! Let’s go!”

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