AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers: ‘We Have to Eject Fraud Machines’ – ‘We Need to Run’ Bret Baier ‘Out of the Republic’

Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers called for voting machines to be ejected from Arizona and suggested forensic audits should be conducted everywhere.

The senator than lashed out at Fox News anchor Bret Baier after he apparently downplayed findings from the Maricopa County audit.

“I want my country back,” Sen. Rogers tweeted. “We have to eject the fraud machines and we need to conduct forensic audits everywhere. They have been doing this to us a lot longer than we realize.”

She continued: “By the way, what is up with @BretBaier lying through his teeth. We need to run him out of the Republic.”

Baier later denied misinforming the public when he replied to a Twitter user: “I did not say that Susan. Please review the tape. I said the investigation continues and so far officially only roughly 200 ballots have been thrown out. I said what the county says and what the critics are saying. Go watch again.”

The Fox anchor appeared to only relay information that Maricopa county officials told mainstream news sources and ignored the following bombshell findings as reported by election auditors during Thursday’s senate hearing in Arizona…

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(The Gateway Pundit) AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers Calls for New Election – Smacks Down Fake News Bret Baier

This election has proven errors and those responsible have done everything in their power to hinder this investigation. Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has been leading the charge calling for a recall of the fraudulent electors. Rogers is demanding decertification in Arizona and for other leaders to initiate full forensic audits in their state.

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(Media Right News) Wendy Rogers Takes Victory Lap After Triggering Bret Baier into Blocking Her on Twitter

“Rogers handed him the first-ever ‘Fake News award’ and expressed grievances for him and Fox News calling Arizona early for Joe Biden on election night when many believed Trump had a chance to come back. Some say he showed his true colors election night when he and Fox News gave Arizona to Biden in what many saw as an early call. She continued on to say he has lied about the ‘very credible’ Maricopa County, Arizona audit which some Democrats seem to be threatened by.”

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(Media Right News) Brett Baier Caves, Unblocks Wendy Rogers on Twitter After She Gives Him a ‘#FakeNews Award’

“Earlier, we reported that Arizona Republican State Senator Wendy Rogers took a victory lap on Twitter after Fox News host Bret Baier blocked her on the platform. Rogers now has reported that Baier reversed course and unblocked her. Baier apparently blocked Rogers after she had called him out on Saturday, tagging him in a tweet where she called him ‘#FakeNews’ after he ‘dismissed the findings of the @cyberninjas, by referencing a statement from @MaricopaVote.'”

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