Tomorrow’s rally in Arizona is lining up to be a big one for 45th President Donald J. Trump. Although he hasn’t officially announced a re-election campaign for 2024, many think that it’s in the pipeline. There’s also the idea that Trump wants to gauge how Republicans do in 2022 before he decides to make an announcement.
This comes despite the fact that he says he’s already made a decision and “thinks people are going to be happy”, but won’t say what that decision will be yet.
It’s certainly an interesting chess move to wait for the right announcement venue and time, as his announcement for his 2016 run was a historically memorable moment for many who supported and continue to support him. Certainly, we all know that timing is critical in politics as well.
It’s unclear to us if Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers (R) will be on the stage tomorrow, but Trump certainly has his eye on Rogers, who has pushed for election integrity in Arizona and nationwide. Rogers recently touted a big donation from Trump, also with Mark Finchem, Trump endorsed secretary of state candidate. Finchem is among those expected to be highlighted at the rally tomorrow.
Recently, Trump Spokesperson Liz Harrington retweeted Senator Rogers, touting her huge fundraising boon, and demanding election integrity and more.

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