Wendy Rogers Calls Out Twitter’s Censorship Of The Babylon Bee

In today’s world of hypersensitivity, apparently jokes and satire regarding current events are now considered “hateful conduct,” at least according to Big Tech social media platform Twitter. On March 20th, the platform had locked out satirical news outlet The Babylon Bee for joking about Rachel Levine for being the “Man of the Year.”

Republican Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers was among those to call out the nonsense being perpetuated by Twitter, writing “Now they are censoring satire. #FreeTheBee!!” while retweeting Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon sharing the news of the account lockout.


Dillon had shared the screenshot of the Twitter account lockout his company had received in relation to a post that was captioned with “The Babylon Bee’s Man Of The Year Is Rachel Levine,” an obvious jab at how the biologically male Levine had received a “woman of the year” accolade from USA Today earlier in March.

But apparently, that joke was just too much for the likes of Twitter, as they proclaimed such jokes – that are also a literal nod to reality as opposed to appeasing fantasies – violate their “hateful conduct” policies.

“You may not promote violence against, threaten, or harass other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

Continue Reading: https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2022/03/wendy-rogers-calls-out-twitters-censorship-of-the-babylon-bee/

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