Wendy Rogers Joins With Marjorie Taylor Greene (and Others) with Bold Calls for Immigration Moratorium in Light of Biden’s Border Crisis and Covid-19

Arizona State Senator, Wendy Rogers voiced her support for Georgia U.S. House Rep, Marjorie Taylor Greene’s “Protect America First Act” Friday morning.

“We have a virus state of emergency on our border. The virus is getting in through the flood of illegals. It is time for an immigration moratorium.”

Greene tweeted on Friday that the ‘Protect America First Act” will preserve our nation’s sovereignty and secure the southern border.


Conservative news site, Big League Politics, proudly endorsed this legislation, reporting in part that it is in their view:

one of the most comprehensive pro-American immigration reform packages to be proposed in Congress in recent years, repealing executive amnesty provisions, buffing federal immigration enforcement, and reforming the nation’s outdated legal immigration system. Its passage would leave Biden largely unable to pursue an ‘America Last’ policy approach of open borders, unlimited immigration, and amnesty for illegal immigrants.

State Senator Rogers is proving to her constituents that she supports an “America First” agenda. As we reported, Rogers followed the lead of Gov.Greg Abbott (TX) in pushing for the National Guard to be deployed to help combat the massive immigrant caravan pummeling through the Southern border cities.

Whilst Governor Ducey (AZ) has yet to support Rogers’ requests, she will continue to fight for her “America First” agenda.

Continue Reading: https://mediarightnews.com/wendy-rogers-joins-with-marjorie-taylor-greene-and-others-with-bold-calls-for-immigration-moratorium-in-light-of-bidens-border-crisis-and-covid-19/

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