53 DAYS LATER – AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “Why Haven’t We Heard Anything From Brnovich Yet?” – Arizona Wants Answers NOW!

It has now been 53 days since the Arizona audit report was presented to the public and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

On September 24th, The Gateway Pundit reported that massive evidence of election fraud was presented in the Arizona Senate Chambers. When auditors revealed that they obtained video footage of individuals deleting 2020 elections files — a federal crime — the live audience could not help but cheer.

The Gateway Pundit identified upwards of 700,000 questionable ballots as a result of the devastating audit report.

A new anonymous report released by Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers identifies over one million ballot discrepancies from Maricopa County, nearly half of the ballots cast.

All evidence of voter fraud has been delivered to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich and he must now save America.

However, Mark Brnovich has done nearly nothing about The Crime of The Century. It has now been over one year since our Constitution was demolished and Americans still remember November 3rd, 2020 like it was yesterday.

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers and Arizona voters have been counting the days, still waiting for their 2020 votes to be lawfully counted. Senator Rogers called AG Mark Brnovich out on Twitter on Tuesday.

Continue Reading: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/53-days-later-az-state-senator-wendy-rogers-havent-heard-anything-brnovich-yet-arizona-wants-answers-now/

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