Wendy Rogers

Arizona sheriff says his county pays for cartel traffickers’ hospital bills

Talk about paying for the rope to hang ourselves with. “We have people coming through our desert on a daily basis,” lamented Pinal County, Arizona, Sheriff Mark Lamb on my podcast Monday. “We have [cartel] scouts that live in the mountains, watch their product, and protect it from law enforcement. They’re up there for about two

Arizona sheriff says his county pays for cartel traffickers’ hospital bills Read More

FBI arrests 2 men at Tucson airport suspected of supporting ISIS, wanting attacks on U.S.

Two men were arrested at a Tucson airport after they pledged to provide support for ISIS and planned to travel overseas to fight on behalf of the terrorist organization, according to federal officials. Ahmed Mahad Mohamed, 21, and Abdi Yemani Hussein, 20, were arrested on July 26 at the Tucson International Airport, according to the

FBI arrests 2 men at Tucson airport suspected of supporting ISIS, wanting attacks on U.S. Read More

Pentagon Authorizes $1 Billion for Border Fence, Roads After Emergency Declaration

Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan has signed off on plans for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to reprogram funds for up to $1 billion of infrastructure work on the U.S. southern border in response to a request from the Department of Homeland Security, the Pentagon announced Monday night. The news comes more than a month

Pentagon Authorizes $1 Billion for Border Fence, Roads After Emergency Declaration Read More

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